For my part I found it very enjoyable. The Irish did a great job of organising things and the venue was absolutely fantastic with good slipping, a great variety of water to fish and superb accommodation. It was the first time I had ever fished a competition and I learned a huge amount. Would I do it again? You bet! The team was captained by Mike Skipper and my fellow team mates were Gary and Sam Edmonds, Matthew Netherton, Evaldas Skablauskas and Gary Palmer who partnered me in my boat for the event.
I waited a long time for the rains but when they came and the river rose, that was the time to fish. The fishing was good for a couple of weeks and I managed fifteen double figure pike in that time with the best ones going 17lb 4oz, 18lb 1oz, 20lb 2oz and 24lb 15oz. All but one of the fish came to lures and the one that came to a deabait was caught at night.
It's been dry now for some weeks and with the level really low the river doesn't fish well so Denis and I have been doing a bit of exploring and fishing some new waters. One of these waters has shown its potential already with me taking some good pike up to a very nice 19lb 6oz. This is something different to what we're used to with deadbaits being a waste of time buut livebaits turning up the goods. Luckily livebaits are very easy to catch at the venue so we have no problem with bait.
Very good Eric, looking forward to seeing more of your blogs
Good read Eric, good to see you back
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