What contrary creatures these pike are. After my recent good catch I was pleased to act as guide for none other than the legendary George Higgins from Belfast. George kindly agreed to come over to give a talk for PAC region 31, my local region and so I offered to take him for a couple of days fishing.
Naturally I wanted George to have a good trip so I took him out in the boat and of course, we went straight to the spot where I had taken the 26 the week before. After casting out four deadbaits, two each, it wasn't long before one of my rods was away; "Here we go." I thought, "It's going to be another good day." I pulled that fish in, a nice fifteen pounder and slipped it back. It wasn't going to be long before we had another run - was it?
The hours ticked by but no more floats dipped and I started to get anxious that George wasn't going to get a run. By and by I started wishing I'd handed my rod to him and let him reel in the fifteen. After a while, we opted for a move and I took George to a spot that for some reason often produces on lures as well as baits. We cast in the baits and George started lure fishing. Nothing came to his lures and after an hour or so he sat down and had a rest. Boredom took hold of me and I picked up a lure rod and started to cast. Typically I had a take quite quickly and brought in a single figure fish.
All too soon the day was over and we had to head for shore. I was so disappointed that George hadn't caught - and I felt really guilty that I had!
We spent the night in a local B&B and the following morning we opted to fish a different lake. No prospect of me catching the fish this time, I didn't cast in!
Thankfully George did manage a pike at this second venue, albeit a small one but by lunchtime we had to go, George needed to prepare himself for the evening's entertainment at RA31 in Ashton in Makerfield. It was a great talk and people came from far and wide to watch it.
George was great company out on the lake and I very much hope I'll get the opportunity to fish with him again at some point. Next time, I'll put him on some fish!
Next trip was with Joe and things hadn't improved at all.When we arrived at the lake we bumped into and old friend of mine who had been there for a few days. It was another tale of woe I'm afraid with little to show for his efforts but we were there, so we had to fish.
Straight out to the hotspot and baits in the water, it took less than five minutes for Joe to get the first run. At 18lb 7oz it was a good fish and it was followed just a few minutes later by a run to me which I missed clean. Unfortunately that was it for the day, not another run came our way. We stayed over and next day went out to the same spot. This produced a repeat performance with a run immediately to me which I missed once again. I cast the bait back out to the same spot though and it was taken at once, almost certainly by the same fish. This was a lively pike just a little under 15 pounds and guess what, we never had another run!
1 comment:
What a very interesting couple of days,Its a shame George Higgins didnt catch a monster, But at least he caught somthing, Then Joe getting the 18+ is a fantastic result, Considering the way things were going, And the PAC region 31 talk, Well i bet it was the best,
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